British Orienteering

Join online

Thinking of joining us? To get the most out of your membership and the orienteering community we recommend that you join your local club (and their Association) as well as British Orienteering.
Most clubs organise training opportunities and social activities for their members so it is a great way to improve your orienteering skills and to make new friends. You can find details of your nearest Club using the Club finder.
However, if you would prefer to just become a member of British Orienteering, simply select BOF when you are asked to choose a Club and Association to join.

New part-year membership fees are now live!

The second phase of part year membership for NEW members went live on 1 September 2024.

So if you have recently tried orienteering or want to join us and explore the excitement of our sport, now is the time to take advantage of our new membership offers!

Seniors – £5

Young adults – £3

Juniors – £2

Families – £12.00 (all members must be new members and not on the database to take up this offer).

No memberships will be merged with existing memberships.

Please note from 1 January 2025, any “new” members will need to renew their membership for 2025. British Orienteering membership runs from January to December each year. If you join between the 1st of November 2023 and the 31st October 2024 your membership will be valid until the 31st December 2024.

Orienteering Image
Club Selection

To get the most out of your membership and the orienteering community we recommend that you join your local club (and their Association) as well as British Orienteering. Most clubs organise training opportunities and social activities for their members so it is a great way to improve your orienteering skills and to make new friends.

You can find details of your nearest Club by using the search facility.

Born in 1998 or earlier
Young Adult
Born between 1999 and 2003
Born in 2004 or later
Two or more members residing at the same address
Family members
Fee Summary
Club Fee
Association Fee
Membership Grade
Total Fee
Contact Details
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We would love to send you the latest and most relevant information from British Orienteering by email. We will always treat your personal details with the utmost care and will never sell or share them with other companies. Please let us know if you would like us to contact you or not by selecting from the below:

I agree to receiving the e-newsletter from British Orienteering
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I agree to receive notifications of relevant orienteering events, activities or training opportunities
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I agree to receive survey, research or relevant partner information from British Orienteering
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Please confirm you accept the terms & conditions

DATA PRIVACY: British Orienteering is committed to safeguarding the privacy of your information. By "your information" we mean any information about you, which you or third parties provide to us. This policy relates to the privacy of your information and can be found at The British Orienteering's Privacy Principles outline our commitment to the secure and responsible handling of information about our members. By joining British orienteering you are agreeing to abide by the British Orienteering Policies, Procedures, Rules and Regulations as published on the British Orienteering website.

SHARING YOUR DATA: We may share your Membership Data with partners such as Fabian4, Si Entries and EMIT, other Home Country Orienteering Organisations, Regional Associations, clubs, and third-party data managers that we appoint as data processors as part of administering your involvement in sport. We will not transfer your data to any other third parties without obtaining your consent and, where possible, will anonymise your data before sharing. We will also not share any other personal data you provide to us that is not Membership Data.

COMMUNICATION WITH MEMBERS: British Orienteering will endeavour to use electronic media for all communications with members including company business. Members who want to be communicated with via printed media must notify the National Office.

Member Details
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Please enter a surname
Please enter a date of birth
Please select a gender

You will need a username and password to view the Members Only section of the website.

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Please enter a valid SI card number or leave blank
Please enter a valid EMIT number or leave blank

Please enter an email address

Equality Policy

British Orienteering is committed to the principle of equal opportunities for all involved within the sport and activity of Orienteering. We actively monitor the diversity of our membership and participants to ensure fair and equitable representation across all sectors of society. Disclosing information will not affect your treatment within the sport or activity. Your response is treated anonymously and used as part of statistical and trend reporting only. This anonymised statistical and trend reporting is shared with partners for the purposes of ensuring equality in our sport.

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Please select an ethnic group. You can select 'Prefer not to say'
Please select a religion. You can select 'Prefer not to say'