Elevate your fitness regime through orienteering!
Ditch the gym and monthly membership fees and instead explore our great outdoors anywhere from urban settings, to your local park and forests.
Train together or go solo and build up your stamina at your own pace, in your own time. Our club's are ready and waiting to welcome you!
Orienteering: where mindset meets navigation.
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Equality Policy
British Orienteering is committed to the principle of equal opportunities for all involved within the sport and activity of Orienteering. We actively monitor the diversity of our membership and participants to ensure fair and equitable representation across all sectors of society. Disclosing information will not affect your treatment within the sport or activity. Your response is treated anonymously and used as part of statistical and trend reporting only. This anonymised statistical and trend reporting is shared with partners for the purposes of ensuring equality in our sport.
Do these health conditions, impairments or illnesses affect you in any of the following areas?
Do you have any of the following, which have lasted, or are expected to last, at least 12 months? Tick all that apply