Deangarden and Keep Hill Wood

Travel Directions
From the M40 Junction 4 follow the A404 into High Wycombe, then follow the A40 eastbound towards Loudwater and
Beaconsfield. About 1km after joining the A40 turn right into Bassetsbury Lane, then turn right into Keep Hill Road. Bear right
into Warren Wood Drive and there is free parking on the right adjacent to ‘The Rye’. There is paid parking in ‘The Rye’ car
park, and many other paid car parks in High Wycombe.
Where to start
From Warren Wood Drive walk back towards Keep Hill Road, passing the house with the turret and the Warren Wood Drive
road sign. There is a road sign pointing towards ‘Town Centre’ but go in the opposite direction and follow the Public
Bridleway sign up the track. The start is on the fence 50 metres up the track.  What three words: puff.divide.jumped.
The Woods
Deangarden and Keep Hill Woods are managed by Chiltern Rangers ( with help from the local
The Map
The downloaded map is on Page 1 and is copyright TVOC. The detailed map at 1:5000 scale shows all the contours at 5m
intervals – the closer the brown contour lines the steeper it will be. It shows all the paths and tracks in the wood, larger paths
have thicker black lines, and smaller paths have dashed lines. The map tries to describe the runnability through the forest.
Fast runnable areas are shown as white; shades of green represent varying levels of runnability, with light green faster than
dark green. Green stripes usually mean brambles which should be avoided. Yellow reflects open or rough open. The legend
on the side of the map shows what the symbols and colours represent.
The Courses
You are free to visit as many or as few controls as you wish, in any order, but you may find it
more interesting to try one of the suggested courses on page 2 of the download. There are 3
courses of different length -1.2km, 2.5km, 3.2km, and all the controls are on or adjacent to
the paths.
The Controls
The centre of each purple circle on the map shows the position on the ground of one of the
controls. The controls are numbered posts about one metre high, marked with an orange
and white square. 
The aim is to find these and copy the code letters from each post into the appropriate box on
the chosen course (on page 2) as proof of your visit.
Enjoy the woods and the courses!

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Further Information
Region: South Central
Nearest Town: High Wycombe
Postcode: HP11 1DY
Carpark: HP11 1DY
Forest & more rural
Suitable for beginners
Available Maps
Deangarden and Keep Hill POC informationFREE
Deangarden and Keep Hill WoodFREE
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A picture of a control post with the number and letters.
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