British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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National Event & Scottish Championships - Individual, 23/05/2009

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
M40S (length: 6.3km, 17 controls)

Other courses: M20L | Badge (M21E) | Badge (M21L) | M21S | M35L | M35S | M40L | M45L | M45S | M50L | M50S | M55L | M55S | M60L | M60S | M65L | M70L | M70S | M75L | W20L | W20S | Badge (W21E) | W21L | W21S | W21V | W35L | W35S | W40L | W40S | W45L | W45S | W50L | W50S | W55L | W55S | W60L | W60S | W65L | W65S | W70L | W75L
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1J LairdM196800:58:211230
2Gary MorrisonGRAMPM196601:04:091182
3Mark WoodFVOM196801:07:331154
4Colin SalisburyINVOCM196501:07:461152
5John ReeveGRAMPM196501:08:121149
6Kevin HollidayINVOCM196801:10:111132
7Kevin ReynardGRAMPM196501:10:451127
8Andrew StevensMORM196701:11:021125
9Robert CranstonRRM196501:13:011108
10Doug FlintM196501:15:041091
11Nigel FawthropESOCM196501:15:361087
12Jonathan MolloyFVOM196801:16:231080
13Tom ToddINVOCM196501:17:391070
14Michael ShepherdBASOCM196501:24:441011
15PASCAL LARDETFVOM196701:27:25988
16Finlay RossESOCM196601:30:23964
17Roy McGregorSROCM196601:32:59942
18David AndersonTAYM196501:39:38887
19Craig BlaneyBAOCM196801:40:02884
20Trevor WhiteINVOCM196701:41:27872
Showing results 1 - 20 of 20