British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Scottish 6 Days - Day 2, 03/08/2009

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
M20L (length: 8.3km, climb: 340m, 25 controls)

Other courses: Badge (M10A) | M10B | Badge (M12A) | M12B | Badge (M14A) | M14B | Badge (M16A) | M16B | M18L | M18S | M20S | Badge (M21E) | Badge (M21L) | M21S | M21V | M35L | M35S | M40L | M40S | M45L | M45S | M50L | M50S | M55L | M55S | M60L | M60S | M65L | M65S | M70L | M70S | M75L | M75S | M80 | Badge (W10A) | W10B | Badge (W12A) | W12B | Badge (W14A) | W14B | W16A | W16B | W18L | W18S | W20L | W20S | Badge (W21E) | W21L | W21S | W21V | W35L | W35S | W40L | W40S | W45L | W45S | W50L | W50S | W55L | W55S | W60L | W60S | W65L | W65S | W70L | W70S | W75L | W75S | W80
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Mike McIverLOCM198901:00:091296
2Ralph StreetSLOWM199001:02:141288
3Tim StreetAIREM198901:02:521285
4Ruairi Short01:04:51
5Josh BeechEBORM198901:07:031269
6Jack WoodAIREM198901:07:121268
7Matt WhippleDEEM198901:12:521245
8Michael Noblett01:13:341243
9Alan Lane01:17:12
10Declan GraySARUMM199001:19:361219
11Oeystein Nipen Egeland01:23:52
12Graham ParkesHHM198901:23:591201
13Callum Fagg01:23:59
14Mikkel Skaarup01:25:25
15Stuart HootonEBORM198901:27:191188
16Ben ScarfEPOCM199001:29:051182
17Robbie UnsworthCLOKM199001:34:211161
18Simon AustinLOCM199001:37:411147
19Ross ThistlethwaiteLOCM198901:38:571142
20Laurence CowtonWCOCM198901:42:521126
21Steven BraggLOCM199001:58:211066
Showing results 1 - 21 of 21