British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Regional Event inc YHOA School Championships, 01/07/2012

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Blue (length: 5.6km, 25 controls)

Other courses: White | Yellow | Orange | Light Green | Green

 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Justin WilliamsLOGM196500:53:301208
2Howard SawyerAIREM195400:56:591151
3Stuart FraserCLOKM199000:57:181146
4Helena CrutchleyHALOF196300:57:451139
5Helen ChanEBORF197500:58:231129
6Ian MarshallAIREM196200:58:361125
7Tim StreetAIREM198900:58:401124
8Chris SandersonBAOCM196201:04:171034
9Pete ShewHALOM194501:04:311030
10Dave BrownHALOM195701:04:431027
11Nigel OwensSYOM196601:06:161002
12Emma HarrisonEPOCF197201:11:23919
13Allen BarnesCLAROM194201:11:28918
14David HarrisonEPOCM197101:14:09875
15Andy FurnellLOGM196401:14:59861
16Sean HarringtonLOGM195801:15:29853
17Brian SlaterHALOM194701:19:06795
18Peter O'ConnellEBORM195501:19:20791
-Mike RidealghEBORM194900:56:22
-Brian HostadINDM000001:16:10
-Alison Ellis-NobleLOGF198401:25:31
Showing results 1 - 21 of 21