British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Lakes 5 Days Day 2 (UKOL), 04/08/2014

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
16 (length: 1.2km, 7 controls)

Other courses: UKOL 1 (M21,M35,M40) | UKOL 2 (M45,M50) | UKOL 3 (M55,W21) | UKOL 4 (M18,M20,M60) | UKOL 5 (M16,W35,W40,W45) | UKOL 6 (M65) | UKOL 7 (W50,W55) | UKOL 8 (M70,W60) | UKOL 9 (W16,W18,W20,W65) | UKOL 10 (M75) | UKOL 11 (W70,W75) | UKOL 12 (M80,M85,W80,W85) | 13 | 14 | 15 | 17

Point calculations
Not enough ranked runners; calculation not possible
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Sam CrawshawSYOM200400:07:53
2Jamie GoddardFVOM200400:08:12
3Sam GriffinGANDDALM200400:08:56
4Euan TrynerSYOM200400:08:57
5Tamsin KerCLAROF200300:09:30
6Ruby OwenBOKF200400:09:35
7Emma Van DamHALOF200400:09:52
8Rebecca WardSHUOCF200300:10:00
9Ira ThompsonBOKM200300:10:17
10Alexandra CrawshawSYOF200500:10:23
11Tommy HeapSOM200500:10:41
12Axel BrattOK ORIONM200400:10:59
13Matthew RossINTM200300:11:11
14Scarlet HeapSOF200300:11:14
15Hjamar AxelssonFK GOINGARNAM200400:11:20
16Ewan TottyINDM200200:12:04
17Hannah ThomasMWOCF200400:12:32
18Iris MacMillanINTF200500:12:40
19David SpencerMORM200400:12:51
20Wilfrid TeasdaleWCOCM200500:13:19
21Harriet OatesBAOCW200400:13:26
22Harrington LeakeLEIM200500:13:27
23Guy OwenBOKM200500:13:45
24Maebh LogueF200400:14:11
25Anna ThorpeEPOCF200400:14:27
26Emile ZsakWAOCM200300:14:55
27Silas Lutzel-schwabM200500:15:03
28Louisa BrammerDEEF200400:15:13
29Luke FryCLAROM200400:15:54
30Jonathan CunnaneTVOCM200500:15:58
31Barbara DavisonINDW194900:17:13
32Monika DentMDOCF200400:17:33
33Isaac HunterWCOCM200400:18:41
34Oscar SandersonNATOM200800:18:54
35Benedict SandersonNATOM200600:19:46
36Sarah ClarkW199300:20:10
37Louisa KollenbachSC HELSAW200400:20:14
38Tom RoweWAOCM200500:20:24
39Belinda SwalwellDVOF194600:20:38
40Lucy SeddonSELOCF200500:22:46
41William MartlandEPOCM200400:24:07
42Laura BarrettDEVONF200500:24:44
43Lindy WongW197900:24:45
44Mac GuyGRAMPM200400:24:56
45Evie CraigW200300:25:35
46Emily OatesBAOCW200400:25:55
47Sarah DarleySNF200500:26:51
48Cecily CraigW200500:27:47
49Isobel OwensSYOW200700:30:34
50Daniel PigottM200900:43:26
51Ailith SmithLOCF200500:49:22
52Ivan SmithLOCM200600:51:41
53Alexander EvansPOTOCM200401:12:56
-Ann Meakin & Emme Smith000000:32:11
Showing results 1 - 54 of 54