British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Brighton City Race, 14/12/2013

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Badge Course 4 (length: 4.44km, climb: 65m, 23 controls)

Other courses: Badge Course 1 | UKOL Badge Course 2 | Badge Course 3 | Badge Course 6 | Course Badge 5 (M20L,M18L,M21S,W21L) | Badge Course 6

 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1John DuffieldHHM194700:46:23
2Christine KiddierBLF195200:46:25
3Christopher BranfordWIMM194600:46:38
4Janet RosenHHF195500:47:33
5Julie K AstinWSXF195300:49:30
6Steve BrockbankLOCM194800:54:12
7LeslieI ColesSOM194300:54:25
8Kieran MarshSLOWM199700:54:53
9Christine KingBOKF194900:57:22
10Linda CairnsSYOF195800:57:28
11Rowan PurkisLOCF195400:58:36
12Lynn BranfordWIMF195001:01:27
13Leslie HooperSOM194201:01:56
14Keith ParkesDFOKM194501:03:35
15Jean PayneDEEF195301:05:50
16Linda HulleySOF195601:06:37
17James KingdomBOFM200201:17:13
18Liz WardSOF195501:20:41
19Jasmine BennettSOF195301:22:37
20Sue KingdomSOF196101:29:41
21Richard ThorntonSARUMM194301:44:15
Showing results 1 - 21 of 21