British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Junior Inter Regional Championships Individual , 24/09/2016

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
W16 (length: 5km, climb: 285m, 13 controls)

Other courses: M14 | M16 | M18 | W14 | W18

Point calculations
1,095.63 + (58.13 x (4,218.50 - T)) / 892.46
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Niamh HunterWCOCF200000:48:291181
2Hannah HateleyDEEF200000:51:451168
3Tara Schwarze-ChintapatlaEUOCF200000:55:351153
4Eilidh CampbellMAROCF200100:57:34
5Anika Schwarze-ChintapatlaEBORF200101:00:03
6Daisy PartridgeSOSF200001:00:081135
7Jenny BlackwoodINVOCF200101:01:20
8Saskia WarrenNNF200001:06:371110
9Rachel CollinsLVOF200101:07:16
10Megan BartlettLOCF200001:08:041104
11Anna BarberLEIF200001:12:171088
12Rebecca AspinSOCF200001:13:121084
13Anna ListerLOCF200001:13:361083
14Sarah DuckworthDVOF200101:15:13
15Megan ColcloughWCHF200101:16:50
16Sarah PedleySOCF200101:17:02
17Mairi WeirDEVONF200101:21:01
18Eilidh ShearerECKOF200101:22:00
19Ellie BalesPOTOCF200001:24:211041
20Chloë CracknellMAROCF200101:25:40
21Imogen WilsonLEIF200001:28:451024
22Laura HarrisonEPOCF200101:31:58
23Alexandra HareNATOF200101:40:50
24Laura BayneHHF200001:40:53976
25Rebecca NisbetSMOCF200101:50:31
26Grace PennellDVOF200101:53:43
-Bethany KippinTVOCF200000:56:55
-Aimee DarleySNF200301:19:14
-Catrin SkymMWOCF200001:29:26
-Ellen SmithLVOF200102:34:03
Showing results 1 - 30 of 30