British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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SAX Sunday Series, 13/10/2013

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Blue (length: 6.2km, climb: 280m, 26 controls)

Other courses: Brown | Green | Light Green | Yellow
Point calculations
1,082.64 + (93.64 x (5,052.00 - T)) / 1,034.80
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Peter WarlandTAYM196501:03:441194
2Charlie TurnerSLOWM195301:05:571182
3Mark CollinsDFOKM196001:07:431172
4Charlotte TurnerSLOWF198601:09:361162
5Sheralee BaileyDFOKF197001:14:001138
6Barry WoodfineSAXM195801:20:471101
7David KingdonSAXM195101:24:441080
8John van RooyenSAXM194901:36:191017
9Roger MaherSOM193801:36:461014
10Mike BoltonMVM195001:40:56992
11Jean FitzgeraldSAXF195301:46:13963
12Catherine SladeSAXF197601:55:46911
13Eric KasperM197802:36:09
-Peter MartinSAXM194901:15:21
-Mike M.G.SolomonSAXM194401:28:30
-Nicholas BettsSAXM196401:44:27
-Geoff GoodwinDFOKM195102:09:32
Showing results 1 - 17 of 17