British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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London City Race, 10/09/2016

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Point calculations
Not enough ranked runners; calculation not possible
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Adam ConwayM200300:18:23
2Thomas HowellSNM200100:18:59
3Frank TownleySNM200300:18:59
4Aidan McCulloughM000000:19:19
5Alfie BullusODM200000:19:52
6Steven DenbyBOFM200100:21:07
7Samuel LeitchEUOCM200100:21:17
8Oscar HealySBOCM200200:22:06
9Ben DempseySYOM200200:22:28
10Alex FieldingHHM200300:22:36
11Kornelia L. BrurbergW199800:23:24
12Ashleigh HowellsRAFOF200000:24:03
13Sam HagueWAOCM200200:24:40
14Atle Nikolai WolloGOM200300:24:57
15Matthew DixonHHM200200:26:38
16Pippa SmartODF200300:26:45
17Ana MadozW200200:27:35
18Ella May RushBOKF200600:29:24
19Sarah WolloW000000:30:21
20Vilem Rozek000000:30:37
21Henry DadswellSLOWM200000:30:59
22Lucy WarlandF200300:31:18
23Aimee DarleySNF200300:31:29
24William ChandlerLOKM200300:31:51
25Lachlan HaighCHIGM200200:32:02
26Angus HarringtonCUOCM200100:32:51
27Nicolas BarrettSNM200300:33:13
28Caitlin DunningWAOCF200200:39:22
29Alexander EvansPOTOCM200400:48:17
30Naomi UmoruW200201:37:28
-Zak DadswellSLOWM200300:55:42
Showing results 1 - 31 of 31