British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Springtime in Shropshire (SinS) 2017 Day 2 (UKOL) Long Distance, 28/05/2017

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Course 13 (length: 2.6km, climb: 130m, 11 controls)

Other courses: UKOL Black (M21) | UKOL Brown (M35,M40) | UKOL Short Brown (M18,M20,M45,M50,W21) | UKOL Blue (M16,M55,M60,W35,W40) | UKOL Short Blue (M65,W18,W20,W45,W50) | UKOL Green (M70) | UKOL Green (W16,W55,W60) | UKOL Short Green (M75,M80,M85,W65,W70) | UKOL Very Short Green (W75,W80,W85) | Course 12 | Course 14 | Course 15

Point calculations
Not enough ranked runners; calculation not possible
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Karl Aderstedt AlthoffKUNGM200600:20:24
2Adam MethvenBKOM200500:22:32
3James ThompsonHOCM200500:29:24
4Jessica WardNGOCF200600:32:08
5Freddie LakeSBOCM200600:34:36
6James WilliamsonINDF194700:36:07
7William LakeSBOCM200500:39:15
8Daisy RennieWCOCF200600:40:04
9Lyra MedlockWSXF200700:40:48
10Freya TrynerSYOF200700:41:57
11Celia KinghamTVOCF195700:42:32
12Thomas RollinsSNM200700:42:46
13Alison HurfordBOKF199200:46:27
14Yvonne GreenTVOCF198500:47:14
15Maisy YatesF200400:48:53
16Frances MoseleySROCF198200:49:22
17Catherine BaileyHOCF200400:49:23
18Anna MethvenBKOF200300:49:28
19Dominic WatheyMDOCM200500:54:56
20Arthur MitchellHOCM200600:54:59
21Aileen HargreavesSOF195200:56:02
22Martin MitchellHOCM196700:58:55
23Priscilla Chen-ChandlerLOKF197101:09:36
24Iona CatmurINDF000001:22:58
25Pat ThorpeEPOCF194201:28:00
26Patricia WalkerBOKF194203:07:02
-Kimberley LunnODF000001:16:55
Showing results 1 - 27 of 27