British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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INVOC Anagach, 12/11/2017

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Light Green (length: 3.925km, climb: 90m, 13 controls)

Other courses: Brown | Blue | Green | Orange | Yellow | White
Point calculations
821.31 + (104.76 x (5,346.31 - T)) / 1,408.96
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1David RitchieMORM195800:58:25958
2Anna CoxF200400:58:34
3Heidi RossAUOCF199900:59:54952
4Cat ChapmanMAROCF200501:00:59
5David IvoryM200601:01:47
6Esther GoochMAROCF197301:03:09937
7Oonagh GrassieGRAMPF195501:03:10937
8Eva WisemanMORF200501:07:25
9Mary-Ann ThompsonMORF197601:09:03911
10Kate McLuckieMORF200701:12:25
11Malcolm EvansAYROCM195201:12:55
12Lesley CouttsMORF198001:15:37881
13Rachel MatherMAROCF197501:16:05879
14Clare KemsleyBASOCF196501:17:39872
15Angus LairdM200601:18:25
16Bill MelvilleTAYM194001:19:25865
17Amanda KinghamMORF196601:20:15861
18Carol HumeINVOCW197701:22:13
19Douglas MurrayMORM193701:25:01840
20Carol AthertonINVOCF196901:28:07826
21Ben CouttsMORM200501:28:23
22Ann McGouganBASOCF196801:34:52796
23Euan Thomas000001:35:47
24Ida OikkonenMORF200501:36:33
25Katharine MelvilleTAYF194301:48:22735
26Jane CoxBASOCF196001:53:35712
27Adrienne SowoodINVOCF194401:55:29704
28Jo CummingBASOCF194601:56:12700
29Daniel HoldenAUOCM199602:02:51
30Tuuli ToivonenAUOCW199602:03:38
31Moira LawsTAYF194202:05:11660
-Fiona EadesINTF200401:13:58
-Valerie SpringettINVOCF194801:15:55
-Philip MitchellINVOCM195401:18:41
-Anne HoyESOCF195801:29:58
Showing results 1 - 35 of 35