British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Regional Event - West Haigh, 29/04/2018

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Brown (length: 8.9km, climb: 175m, 18 controls)

Other courses: White | Yellow | Orange | Long Orange | Light Green | Very Short Green | Short Green | Green | Blue | Extra Long Orange

Point calculations
1,233.49 + (48.42 x (4,281.48 - T)) / 618.70
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Alastair BuckleySYOM197400:52:531320
2David RoomeSROCM198200:55:351308
3Bill EdwardsSYOM196700:58:221294
4Joe TauntonSYOM198701:00:061286
5Peter TrynerSYOM197401:00:561282
6Dominic DakinSYOM200101:04:571264
7Liam CornerMDOCM197001:05:071263
8Matthew BurdenSYOM198301:05:571259
9Pauls LiepinsAIREM198301:06:121258
10Christopher MacKenzieCLOKM199301:07:201252
11Steve WebbAIREM196201:07:331251
12Dave MurgatroydAIREM198901:08:461246
13Richard HuntSYOM197301:11:211234
14Jaimie BuckleySYOF197801:11:481231
15Colin SmithSYOM196501:14:391218
16Peter GorvettSYOM194701:15:091216
17Sebastian PughSYOM198701:15:121215
18Luke AddisonDVO01:15:47
19Ryan ElliotSYOM200001:15:511212
20Neil ConwayFVOM196801:16:591207
21Andrew HobsonAIREM198401:17:531203
22Paul AddisonLOCM195701:18:481199
23Matthew RochesterBOKM200101:23:111178
24Tim WiegandSYOM196701:23:291177
25Lucy WiegandSYOF196801:26:321162
26Kristian GroomSYOM197701:39:211102
Showing results 1 - 26 of 26