British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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CompassSport Cup Heat, 17/03/2019

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
7 Vets Short Green (length: 3.5km, climb: 145m, 11 controls)

Other courses: Brown | Short Green | Light Green | Yellow | White | Short Brown | 3 Blue Women | 4 Blue Men | 5 Green Women | Green | Orange
Point calculations
901.23 + (141.73 x (2,955.16 - T)) / 887.40
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Mike MurraySLOWM194400:31:371070
2Alan WilliamsonSOM194900:31:531068
3John van RooyenSAXM194900:32:101065
4Janet RosenHHF195500:33:591048
5Christine JepsonSOF195800:36:281024
6Paul OatesDFOKM194900:36:341023
7David MaySLOWM194600:36:401022
8Chris ShawHAVOCM194900:37:401012
9Mike M.G.SolomonSAXM194400:37:441012
10John DuffieldHHM194700:37:521010
11Garry ParmenterHAVOCM194600:38:471002
12Sarah BrownSLOWF195200:39:02999
13John CollyerGOM194500:39:21996
14Tim PribulCHIGM194900:39:29995
15Simon LingMVM194500:39:43993
16Philip GristwoodMVM194900:40:30985
17Carol HouseSOF195600:41:16978
18Einar J. SolgaardSOM194500:41:31975
19Mick SmithHHM194800:43:51953
20Keith ParkesDFOKM194500:44:05951
21Lyn WestSOSF195400:44:45944
22Jasmine BennettSOF195300:45:09941
23LeslieI ColesSOM194300:46:15930
24John MorrisSOM194500:47:51915
25Nigel SakerSLOWM194800:48:50905
26Heather BrownSAXF195000:50:59885
27Linda HulleySOF195600:51:05884
28Chris McDonaldMVM194200:51:13882
29BARRY BREEDHHM194600:51:52876
30Jane BreedHHF195200:52:18872
31Graham SuttonMVM194700:54:32851
32RALPH PHILLIPSSOM194500:54:53847
33Jane KingSOF195600:54:55847
34Helen RiversGOF195400:55:56837
35Leslie HooperSOM194200:57:58818
36Ken LawtonSOM194200:58:30813
37Michele FunnellSOF195400:58:38811
38Janet BiggsHAVOCF195300:59:28803
39Christopher SimpsonSOM194500:59:59798
40James ParkerSOM194501:01:05788
41Ben RiversGOM194401:03:18767
42John RussellSOSM194101:10:17700
43Nancy Powell DaviesBLF195001:12:24679
44Sally PribulCHIGF195401:14:24660
45Heather FreemanHHF195901:15:03654
46Jean FitzgeraldSAXF195301:16:12643
47Penny ParkesHHF195701:53:27286
48Gill SmithSOF193602:01:09212
-Tim PughGOM194301:15:49
-Roger PringSAXM194501:38:15
Showing results 1 - 50 of 50