British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Scottish 6Days - Strathearn 2019 - Day 4, 01/08/2019

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
C16 (length: 4.3km, climb: 135m, 10 controls)

Other courses: C1 | C2 | C3 | C4 | C5 | C6 | C7 | C8 | C9 | C10 | C14 | C15 | C17 | C18 | C19 | C20 | C21 | C22 | C23 | C24 | C25 | C26 | C27 | C28 | C29 | C30 | C31 | C34 | C35 | C36 | C37 | C38 | C39 | C40 | C41

Point calculations
818.59 + (124.30 x (4,044.68 - T)) / 986.84
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Isobel HowardEUOCF200500:28:48
2Iris MacMillanINTF200500:32:53
3alice kemsleyBASOCF200500:33:07
4Alexandra CrawshawSYOF200500:33:14
5Maja RobertsonESOCF200600:34:14
6Faith Kenyon MORF200500:34:24
7Freya TrynerSYOF200700:35:52
8Lyra MedlockWSXF200700:36:49
9Cat ChapmanMAROCF200500:37:24
10Daisy RennieWCOCF200600:38:34
11Daisy May McNamaraEUOCF200500:38:48
12Emma CrawfordWCOCF200500:39:01
13Laura BarrettDEVONF200500:40:34
14Ida OikkonenMORF200500:41:36
15Tilde MansénSkarpnäcks OLF200600:42:42
16Jessica WardNGOCF200600:43:16
17Ciel MatthewSROCF200600:43:38
18Sarah DarleySNF200500:44:20
19Silja Ebert SvenningsenRold Skov OKF200400:45:26
20Amy Lee-JonesBOKF200500:47:38
21Eilidh SimpsonINVOCF200600:47:53
22Issy SunleyWCOCF200500:49:09
23Hannah MatherLOGF200600:50:17
24Morven FarquharsonGRAMPF200500:51:39
25Lucy HensmanFVOF200500:52:49
26Lucy WarlandF200300:53:43922
27Kirsty FarquharsonGRAMPF200500:56:09
28Chloe GreenNATOF200600:59:59
29Maya ReynardGRAMPF200401:01:11
30Sofia Yacoub-RollinsSMOGF200401:04:12
31Milly AskhamSMOCF200501:04:16
32Jasmine AndrewsArgusF200401:21:54
Showing results 1 - 32 of 32