British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Maroc Regional Event - Cambus, 10/11/2019

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Orange (length: 2.9km, climb: 100m, 12 controls)

Other courses: Blue | Brown | Green | Light Green | White | Yellow

 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Laurence WardINTM200700:25:24
2Finn Selmer DuguidTAYM200800:25:33
3Kate McLuckieMORF200700:28:04
4Rebecca HammondFVOF200800:29:50
5Jamie ConnorFVOM200700:29:59
6Ruth GoochMAROCF200700:30:46
7Ben RossINTM200800:30:56
8Andrew TwiggFVOM200600:33:14
9Emily AtkinsonELOF200800:33:33
10Finlay McLuckieMORM200800:34:51
11Finn DowerTAYM200600:37:18
12Bruce McQuaidFVOM200500:37:32
13Scarlett BritainMORF200700:37:55
14Sophie HowardMORF200800:38:21
15Yann NeweyMAROCM200700:39:27
16Iona ScottINVOCF200800:43:37
17Findlay CormackMAROCM200800:44:20
18Mette CormackMAROCF197500:45:01
19Alana CouttsMORF200700:45:49
20Kirsty FlintF200600:47:19
21Katie HensmanFVOF200700:49:57
22Blair HudsonINVOCM200700:49:58
23Connor WhitelawGRAMPM200500:50:49
24Ethan WallisMAROCM200800:51:01
25Judith BellESOCF196900:51:13
26Megan BrownESOCF200800:53:59
27Susan HensmanFVOF197400:56:09
28Louis ChapoyFVOM200600:56:27
29Erica CloadINVOCF200800:58:01
30Margaret DearmanMORF194901:00:02
31James ShearerFVOM200601:01:49
32Rona LairdINVOCF200801:02:33
33Aisling StuartF200601:08:50
34Lewis DunbarMAROCM200601:09:44
35Jane BennettMAROCF197001:11:26
36Dougal MatherMAROCM201201:12:52
-Tristan SpurwayTAYM200700:46:25
-Laura POLWARTFVOF197600:48:51
Showing results 1 - 38 of 38