British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Southern Night Championships, 30/11/2019

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Long Orange (length: 4.75km, climb: 50m, 12 controls)

Other courses: Blue Army | UKOL Blue Civilian (M16,M45,M50,M55,W20,W21,W35,W40) | UKOL Brown (M18,M20,M21,M35,M40) | Green Army | UKOL Green Civilian (M60,M65,W16,W18,W45,W50,W55) | UKOL Short Green (M70,M75,M80,W60,W65,W70,W75,W80)

 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1LCpl Arjun Rana1005M00:37:14
2Gnr Haigh1006M00:38:14
3LBdr Lawson1006M00:38:21
4Sig Averill1005M00:39:51
5Gnr Thompson1006M00:40:41
6LCpl Rabin Buduja1005M00:43:27
7Sig Sunil Limbu1005M00:51:29
8Sara CurrieBOKF198100:57:48
9Cpl M Hunter1003M00:57:53
10Ed HallINDM01:05:06
11Gnr Fenly-Townsend1006M01:11:21
12Pte T Lightfoot1002M01:11:27
13LCpl Sailendra Rai1005M01:14:53
14Pte A Johnson1002F01:15:32
15Simon LottBOKM197701:18:56
16Sig Ashish Ghale1005M01:21:43
17Debbie EwingF197901:34:05
18Agnieszka KaminskaBOKF197701:56:51
Showing results 1 - 18 of 18