British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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CompassSport Cup Final, 16/10/2022

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Junior Women (Short Green) (length: 3.725km, climb: 45m, 15 controls)

Other courses: Brown | Short Brown | Blue Men | Blue Women | Green Men | Green Women | Light Green | Junior Men (Green) | Super Veterans Short Green | Veterans Short Green | Orange Men | Orange Women | Yellow | White
Point calculations
1,039.08 + (136.91 x (3,114.40 - T)) / 1,691.27
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Fiona EadesINTF200400:29:511146
2Freya TrynerSYOF200700:30:33
3Laura BrownFVOF200500:31:341138
4Kate McLuckieMORF200700:34:03
5Ciel MatthewSROCF200600:38:181105
6Anna ToddSYOF200800:39:31
7Amelia ThompsonLOCF200600:39:461098
8Ciara KeenSYOF200600:40:091096
9Charlotte SykesSYOF200700:40:28
10Hebe DarwinWAOCF200700:41:56
11Katie LakeSBOCF200600:42:441084
12Rose TaylorNGOCF200600:44:321075
13Alexandra GarnettSYOF200600:48:291056
14Scarlett BritainMORF200700:51:33
15Heidi Elise Eik MaxwellFVOF200400:59:121004
16Esme SimeINVOCF200600:59:421001
17Beth RaviliousEBORF200701:05:57
18Millie NormanSYOF200601:15:02927
19Lucille IrwinSBOCF200701:25:08
20Sophia OqvistBKOF200601:36:08824
21Jemima BorrillWAOCF200502:08:39666
22Cordelia SpackmanNORF200702:35:42
Showing results 1 - 22 of 22