British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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DFOK Spring Event, 25/04/2021

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Green (length: 4km, climb: 125m, 13 controls)

Other courses: Blue | Orange | Yellow

 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Alan HicklingSAXM196400:31:49
2Geoff GoodwinDFOKM195100:37:29
3Vadim PesentiDFOKM200800:38:08
4Ian DitchfieldMVM195600:39:03
5David DawsonDFOKM195800:39:28
6Bohdan RainczukSARUMM196100:42:18
7David CollierDFOKM195100:42:19
8Taras AndroshchukNONEM198100:44:12
9Julie ClearyLOKF196400:44:35
10Keith ParkesDFOKM194500:45:06
11Toby PriorM200500:45:11
12Vlad BoevINDM195600:46:43
13Allison PageDFOKF197000:48:47
14Anna MartinDFOKF198300:48:59
15Sophie BlundellSOCF199700:49:00
16Sarah BlundellDFOKF196200:50:11
17Neil GemmellDFOKM196100:51:09
18Rosie MerryDFOKF196300:51:14
19Julie LobleyDFOKF196500:52:22
20Karen RansleySAXF197900:54:29
21Rob SibleySAXM195300:54:32
22Catherine SladeSAXF197600:54:54
23Andrew WardSOM196101:00:31
24Marion BondSARUMF196401:04:25
25Cecilia Hayward-BhikhaSLOWF200601:05:05
26Ruth RhodesSOF194201:13:08
27Kaye CooperNONEF198601:22:06
-Philip CravenDFOKM195400:58:09
-Nazar AndroshchukNONEM200601:18:26
Showing results 1 - 29 of 29