British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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MDOC Summer evening event , 24/06/2021

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Blue (length: 5.9km, 29 controls)

Other courses: Green | Short Green | Light Green | Orange | Yellow
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Oliver WilliamsMDOCM199500:33:53
2Mark BurleyMDOCM198700:38:17
3Tom FellbaumMDOCM199200:38:46
4Martin PigottPOTOCM197500:42:47
5Dominic WatheyMDOCM200500:50:00
6Edward HalliwellDEEM197300:51:00
7Pauly JonesDEEM196500:53:32
8Trevor HindleMDOCM196400:53:54
9Simon FreytagMDOCM197900:56:11
10David WatheyMDOCM196500:56:58
11David McCannMDOCM196300:57:10
12Simon CoppockM196100:59:30
13Hanno RostronMDOCM197800:59:33
14Ian HopkinsWREM196601:00:19
15Fiona MillingtonMDOCF198001:01:35
16Ruth BeresfordMDOCF198801:03:02
17Chris RostronMDOCM194701:06:24
18Catherine HillDEEF196601:07:14
19Edward BarnardDEEM197901:07:21
20Peter BreamMDOCM196601:11:25
21Ray HumphreysMDOCM195901:12:09
22Joseph HerbertBOFM200401:13:54
23Matthew McCreadieDEEM200601:14:00
24Benjamin KydMDOCM200301:22:37
25john williamsMDOCM195201:23:08
26Milly BakerF200401:23:31
27Kerry ClarkeMacclesfield harriersF197601:35:10
28Andy PeetM196601:35:13
29Peter LancasterM196101:46:35
-Adam McCreadieDEEM197700:45:57
-Steve DempseySYOM196300:54:33
-Jonathan WhilockPOTOCM196601:06:23
Showing results 1 - 32 of 32