British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Scottish Sprint Championships (SOUL 6) - AM, 01/09/2024

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Course 3 (length: 1.9km, climb: 15m, 8 controls)

Other courses: Course 1 | Course 2 | Course 4 | Course 5 | Course 6
Point calculations
1,091.79 + (110.98 x (844.71 - T)) / 204.90
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Andrew CampbellMORM196700:10:131217
2Ian MaxwellRRM196000:10:141217
3Colin SalisburyINVOCM196500:10:441200
4Andrew DaleECKOM196800:12:011159
5Colin LedlieINTM196600:12:101154
6Helena CareyFVOF197900:12:231147
7Rupert ParkinsonFVOM196600:12:361140
8Beccy OsbornFVOF197200:13:071123
9Jonathan MolloyFVOM196800:13:161118
10Carl Selmer DuguidTAYM201200:13:24
11Natasha ConwayFVOF197100:13:281112
12Simon HuntFVOM196500:13:311110
13Hanna BrindleyFVOF200900:13:44
14Mike KiplingTAYM196700:13:481101
15Olexiy BogachovAYROCM201300:14:10
16David RobertsonESOCM196200:14:251081
17Lachlan CarruthersFVOM201300:14:35
18Hanne RobertsonESOCF197000:14:511067
19Sean TruswellFVOM201300:15:03
20Iryna BogachovaAYROCF197700:15:161053
21Colin HallMORM196600:15:271047
22Bob SheridanMAROCM196700:15:501035
23Lorraine ThomsonMORF197900:16:45
24Katie HensmanFVOF200700:16:541000
25Matthew ClarkKFOM196700:17:38976
26Lucy HensmanFVOF200500:20:28884
27Jolyon PictonINVOCM201200:21:32
28Barry McManamonTAYM201100:21:42
29Elizabeth CottierECKOF197300:25:08733
30Gillian TuddenhamTAYF197800:28:20629
-Rachel KirklandFVOF197100:10:59
-Euan TuddenhamTAYM201300:20:18
Showing results 1 - 32 of 32