British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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British Sprint Championships - Qualifiers, 23/06/2024

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Q6 (length: 2.875km, climb: 30m, 20 controls)

Other courses: Q1a | Q1b | Q1c | Q2a | Q2b | Q2c | Q3 | Q4 | Q5 | Q7 | Q8 | Q9 | Q10 | Q11 | Q12 | Q13 | Q14 | Q15 | Q16 | Q17 | Q18 | QO | QY
Point calculations
1,151.90 + (84.18 x (1,035.98 - T)) / 129.97
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Alistair LandelsODM196800:13:401292
2Andrew CampbellMORM196700:14:081274
3Richard LloydLOKM196800:14:211265
4John DuckworthDVOM196600:14:271261
5Colin HallMORM196600:14:301259
6Duncan HarrisDEEM196600:14:351256
7Martin WardSYOM196700:14:381254
8Richard ParkinDVOM196800:14:391254
9Paul MurgatroydLOGM196700:14:481248
10David WatheyMDOCM196500:15:151230
11Stephen FryCLAROM196500:15:431212
12Matt WhiteLEIM196700:15:441211
13Nick HowlettLOCM196700:15:471210
14Mark ChapmanSYOM196500:15:531206
15David ToddSYOM196600:16:071197
16Robin MillsWIMM196500:16:241186
17Charles MayesCLOKM196600:16:271184
18Colin LynchSYOM196800:16:301182
19Aleksei DnestrovskiiTVOCM196500:16:361178
20Chris RamptonWAOCM196500:16:411175
21Ian BuxtonTVOCM196500:16:511168
22Paul MartinSNM196700:16:541166
23Paul TaylorSYOM196500:16:551165
24Paul GebbettBOKM196900:16:561165
25Ian HopkinsWREM196600:16:561165
26Stuart CrawfordWCOCM196800:17:131154
27Simon ThompsonHOCM196500:17:191150
28Clive RichardsonWREM196600:17:291143
29Robert LinesSOM196500:17:301143
30Steve WatersSYOM196600:17:361139
31Ian RenfrewNORM196900:17:461132
32Robin BishopTVOCM196700:17:521129
33Alastair PatersonLEIM196700:18:061120
34Craig BlackfordBADOM196800:18:161113
35Steve ChaferLEIM196700:18:171112
36Simon HuntFVOM196500:18:301104
37David PillingBOKM196600:18:311103
38David CladingboelLEIM196600:18:321103
39Paul Van DamHALOM196500:18:421096
40Ian GamlenHOCM196500:19:031083
41Bert ParkSUFFOCM196500:19:581047
42Stu LeveneHHM196900:19:591046
43John TzanetisDFOKM196700:20:111039
44Ian CurtisSOM196800:20:571009
45Tony UdrisSYOM196900:21:23992
46Jeremy WilkinsonAIREM196800:21:45978
47Lap On LeungHOCM196600:21:46977
48Iain BellSNM196500:21:48976
49Ian ChaferHOCM196500:23:16919
-Chris EvansSLOWM196700:15:34
-Chris McCartneyHOCM196900:18:45
-Steve EdgarLEIM196600:20:45
-Jon DarleyGOM196600:22:57
Showing results 1 - 53 of 53