British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Regional Event, 28/02/2010

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Black (length: 13.325km, climb: 240m, 29 controls)

Other courses: Brown | Short Brown | Blue | Short Blue | Green | Short Green | Light Green | Orange | Yellow | White | Long Orange

 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Ben StevensINTM198776:58:001312
2Jonathan CrickmoreSYOM199378:13:001307
3Alan VeleckySOM196679:41:001300
4Edward CatmurSLOWM198280:06:001299
5Alan CherryEBORM199180:42:001296
6Mark FordSAXM197582:54:001288
7Andrew PowellDVOM198286:08:001274
8Tom CochraneHHM198386:22:001273
9Ed NicholasAROSM198387:50:001267
10Nick TaylorMDOCM198088:44:001263
11Mark ChapmanSYOM196589:06:001261
12Jon MarsdenFVOM197489:22:001261
13Matthias MahrSLOWM197690:33:001256
14Tony BurtonMVM196492:48:001246
15Paul NixonSLOWM197993:31:001243
16Ian WebbSLOWM198394:04:001241
17Keith MassonMVM196096:46:001229
18Ronny FalkWAOCM197097:50:001225
19Tim PlattHHM1978103:28:001201
20Adam BennettHHM1989106:07:001190
21Steve HinshelwoodWAOCM1964106:51:001187
22Scott CollierKERNOM1986107:57:001183
23Mark McLeodESOCM1991109:54:001175
24Stefan StasiukBKOM1951113:42:001159
25Marie-Anne FischerTVOCF1961178:35:00889
Showing results 1 - 25 of 25