British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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BOK Galoppen, 21/11/2010

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Brown (length: 9.1km, climb: 370m, 17 controls)

Other courses: Black | Blue | Green | Short Green | Light Green | Orange | Yellow | White
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Clive HallettBOKM196301:02:441356
2David NevellERYRIM196001:05:381334
3Jason HowellHOCM196901:09:021308
4Peter WardNGOCM197001:09:151307
5Andrew MonroNGOCM196901:10:591293
6Grace CraneBOKF198301:11:431288
7Christopher RhodesBADOM198001:20:451220
8Peter MaliphantBOKM195601:21:351213
9Christopher HarrisonNGOCM195801:28:121163
10Michael TurnerBOKM195901:31:221139
11Phil NewallWCOCM196201:31:341138
12Caroline CraigNGOCF198401:31:371138
13Kelvin DaviesBOFM196101:33:431122
14Duncan InnesSWOCM196201:33:551120
15Vladimir KuznetsovSWOCM195601:35:25
16Gill StottNGOCF195701:36:511098
17Rob HickWSXM196001:38:451083
18Christopher KelseyBOKM195701:39:191079
19Paul FoxSNM196201:39:401076
20Ian HopkinsWREM196601:47:071019
21Jim HaywardBOKM196301:48:291009
22Coen de GrootBOKM196401:50:20996
23Mark LarcombeQOM195901:53:06975
24Alan BrownNGOCM195201:57:38940
25Colin SwallowSNM195702:28:47704
26John SheaNGOCM195202:31:48681
-Nick NourseNWOM000001:12:06
Showing results 1 - 27 of 27