British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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CompassSport Cup 1st Round, 16/01/2011

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
ORANGE Men/Women (length: 3km, climb: 80m, 12 controls)

Other courses: BROWN | BLUE Women | BLUE Men | GREEN Women | GREEN Men | SHORT GREEN Vets | Lt GREEN Men/Women | YELLOW | WHITE

 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Tim MorganINTM199700:17:47
2Michael HallettBOKM199700:21:20
3William ReynoldsSBOCM199800:22:08
4Edward Gow-smithDEVONM199700:24:22
5James DeanDEVONM199900:25:41
6Fraser SmithWIMM199800:25:55
7Chloe PotterSYOF199800:27:20
8Katie Blackford-BettBADOF199700:31:52
9Zac HuddWCOCM200000:32:19
10Jessica ParkerBADOF199700:32:39
11Alexander BuckSARUMM199900:32:47
12Pippy DickinF199900:33:40
13Jenny JonesSOCF199800:37:05
14Finlay StoneDEVONM199700:38:58
15Paris WardDEVONM199800:39:30
16Quinlan SilkSWOCM200100:40:20
17Rebecca WhittinghamWIMF199800:42:17
18Max JonesDEVONM199800:45:00
19Wilf ThompsonBOKM200100:46:53
20Dominic ClarkeDEVONM199800:52:33
21Isaac ParrM199900:54:18
22Lauren NewittINDF01:13:13
-Sean RoweDEVONM199700:32:34
-Jake BelstenQOM199800:42:36
-Duncan WhiteSARUMM200000:44:50
-Sam PeatLUUOCM199800:50:59
-Jenny LewisSWOCF199901:10:07
Showing results 1 - 27 of 27