British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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CLOK Colour Coded & Yvette Baker Trophy Heat, 14/04/2013

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Light Green (length: 3.5km, climb: 130m, 8 controls)

Other courses: Brown | Blue | Green | Short Green | Long Orange | Orange | Yellow | White
Point calculations
Too many outliers; calculation not possible
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Paul BoylesNATOM197500:40:29
2John HunterCLOKM199900:44:43
3James HowlettLUUOCM199900:46:18
4Rebecca AspinSOCF200000:48:35
5Bruce StainsbyCLOKM194800:49:00
6Thomas AtheySLOWM199700:49:12
7Emily CooperRAFOF199900:49:18
8Mathew EkeNATOM199900:51:04
9Kath AspinCLOKF196700:51:19
10Zoe EkeNATOF196900:52:00
11Oscar AnglimCLOKM200000:52:14
12Mark DawsonINDM196800:54:18
13David ReltonEBORM195200:55:51
14Joshua BoylesNATOM199900:56:47
15Geoff HarrisonCLOKM195000:57:00
16Samuel HearmonCLOKM199600:57:41
17Holly AvisBOFF199900:58:28
18Joe TriggCLOKM195100:58:56
19Melanie AvisAIREF196600:59:37
20Richard KirkCLAROM195001:02:47
21Ken John BibbyCLOKM194201:02:56
22Izzy BriningCLOKW199901:03:06
23Imogen WaddCLOKF199801:04:22
24Elizabeth DeanCLOKF199901:23:36
25Eileen BedwellCLOKF193101:24:17
26Janet ToddEBORF195101:29:30
27David MooreINDM199201:37:48
Showing results 1 - 27 of 27