British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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AIRE Regional Event, 05/01/2014

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Short Blue (length: 5.4km, climb: 140m, 22 controls)

Other courses: Blue | Green | Light Green | Orange | Yellow | White
Point calculations
1,054.48 + (74.83 x (4,120.88 - T)) / 652.07
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Ian MarshallAIREM196200:53:371158
2Bruce WoodleyAIREM196400:53:441157
3Martyn GillAIREM195200:55:331145
4Mike CoxAIREM195000:56:021142
5Jonathan WilkinsonINDM196900:56:06
6Jackie ScarfEPOCF196200:56:371138
7Pauls LiepinsAIREM198300:56:381137
8Chris PennyAIREM196200:58:151126
9Jane AnthonySROCF195600:58:541122
10Adam BreaksEPOCM197900:59:241118
11Boff WhalleyM196400:59:33
12Frank KewAIREM194901:01:121106
13Louise DunnSROCF196001:02:311097
14Geoffrey HensmanFVOM194801:04:251084
15David HarrisonEPOCM197101:04:531081
16Peter AvisAIREM196301:06:091072
17Peter JonesAIREM195701:06:151071
18Joyce MarshallAIREF196001:09:151051
19John ElliottEPOCM196101:09:451047
20Ian HillAIREM194601:11:221036
21Miles GilleardBOFM199801:11:231036
22Emma Van Der GuchtINDW197901:12:43
23Susan StevensAIREF195301:12:581025
24Nigel PetersEPOCM195901:14:581011
25Ian RobsonEBORM195001:15:131009
26Simon BrookCLOKM195601:16:351000
27Esther LogueF197101:16:54998
28Isla MathiesonCLOKF196501:20:21974
29Stephen MccannM196901:24:10
30Allen BanisterNNM195601:24:25946
31Liz CarterAIREF195301:26:23933
32Sam AvisAIREM199601:28:48916
33Rod ShawEPOCM193801:28:52915
34Jonathan DickinsonM196401:34:00
-Laura KingAIREF199901:05:13
Showing results 1 - 35 of 35