British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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CompassSport Cup Heat, 15/03/2015

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
1 Brown

Other courses: White | Yellow | Light Green | 9A Orange Men | 8B Jun Women S Green | 6 Green Men | 5 Green Women | 3 Blue Women | 2 Short Brown | 7 Veterans S Green | 8A Junior Men Green | 9B Orange Women | 4 Blue Men

Point calculations
1,209.18 + (99.39 x (4,716.50 - T)) / 952.60
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Ben ChestersDEVONM197800:58:241336
2Geoffrey EllisRAFOM197600:59:351328
3Tom BraySNM198600:59:411328
4Tim BrittonBOKM197901:01:391315
5Matt WhippleDEEM198901:01:591313
6Mark BurleyMDOCM198701:04:181299
7Paul PickeringWIMM198501:04:431296
8David CurrieSOCM197601:04:521295
9Tom DobraTVOCM199201:08:301272
10Richard SansburyQOM196901:09:401265
11Scott CollierKERNOM198601:10:031263
12Mark SaundersTVOCM197801:17:521214
13Alexander MooreWAOCM199201:18:311210
14Kevin BracherSOCM195501:19:241204
15Graham WhiffenWSXM01:22:341184
16Craig PurchaseQOM197901:23:351178
17Doug StimsonNWOM198201:24:231173
18Robert BuckbyNWOM198701:24:531170
19Oliver FrostBOKM197701:28:551145
20John CookWSXM195701:28:551145
21Richard JacksonDEVONM197701:32:151124
22Mark WhiteSARUMM195801:32:431121
23Alan KnightDEVONM196101:35:201104
24Simon BranfordWIMM197901:37:061093
25Neal BurtonWIMM197801:47:051031
26Doug GreenwoodSOCM197301:53:33990
27Barry GrimesNWOM198502:11:02881
Showing results 1 - 27 of 27