British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Scottish Championships Individual (UKOL), 21/05/2016

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
UKOL 04 (M55) (length: 6.6km, climb: 340m, 18 controls)

Other courses: UKOL 01 (M21) | UKOL 02 (M20,M18,M35,M40,W21) | UKOL 03 (M45,M50) | UKOL 05 (M60,M16) | UKOL 06 (W20,W18,W35,W40) | UKOL 07 (M65,W45,W50) | UKOL 08 (M70,W55,W16) | UKOL 09 (M75,W60) | UKOL 10 (W65,W70) | UKOL 11 (M80,W75) | UKOL 12 (M85,M90,W80) | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18

Point calculations
1,171.65 + (90.34 x (5,606.03 - T)) / 1,409.80
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Martin BagnessWAROCM196001:04:501282
2Mark SaundersBOKM195901:09:371263
3Robert DalyGRAMPM195701:09:391263
4Evgueni ChepelinGRAMPM196101:09:511262
5Donald PetrieCLYDEM195701:11:541254
6Michael BillinghurstWCOCM196001:12:141253
7Nick HaleMAROCM195801:12:501251
8Dominykas KardokasGRAMPM198301:13:161249
9John TullieRRM195701:14:331244
10Roger CoombsMAROCM195701:18:211230
11Sam GomersallGRAMPM196101:18:491228
12Duncan FrancisFVOM195901:19:401225
13Bob CherryAYROCM195701:23:181211
14Gary LonghurstFVOM195901:23:241210
15Jonathan CronkWAOCM199201:23:441209
16Ian MaxwellRRM196001:28:391190
17Tom NicholAYROCM199801:28:581189
18Gemma KaratayBASOCF198201:30:201184
19Sarah McAdamESOCF198401:33:081173
20David WeirMORM196001:33:581170
21Edmund RooneyRRM196101:34:161168
22Iain McLeodGRAMPM196001:35:371163
23Davie FrameTAYM195801:37:131157
24Keith RobertsMAROCM195901:38:041154
25Fiona BerrowFVOF198501:38:161153
26Chris LowMAROCM196001:38:381152
27Paul BradburySYOM195701:41:461140
28Ian TeasdaleWCOCM196001:50:131107
29Douglas CraigM196102:02:261060
30Rachel ScottGRAMPF196502:05:551047
31Elizabeth GardnerCLYDEF198702:12:051023
32David SummersINVOCM196102:23:45978
33Michaela KolistanikovaAUOCF199002:31:49
34Mark KassykESOCM195702:50:16876
-Patrick SmythNATOM195701:13:11
-Alison FryerLOCF199101:32:02
-Amjad KhursheedRRM195901:54:29
Showing results 1 - 37 of 37