British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Lydiard & W. Swindon Urban, 12/07/2014

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Women Open (length: 7.8km, climb: 45m, 32 controls)

Other courses: Men Open | C Course - Other | Super Veteran Men (M55+) | Veteran Women (W40+) | D Course - Other | Super Veteran Women (W55+) | Ultra Veteran Men (M65+) | E Course - Other | Ultra Veteran Women (W65+) | F Course - Other | Junior Men (M16-) | Junior Women (W16-) | G Course - Other | Young Junior Men (M12-)

Point calculations
1,146.99 + (88.13 x (4,464.77 - T)) / 825.17
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Andrew MonroNGOCM196900:54:511272
2Chris McCartneyHOCM196900:55:251269
3Phil MurraySYOM196400:55:331268
4Roger ThetfordTVOCM196200:59:341242
5Charles Bromley GardnerBAOCM196000:59:351242
6Norbert LinkeOUOCM01:04:43
7Ben GreenTVOCM197701:06:051200
8Sally CallandDVOF197501:06:121200
9Alan HicklingSAXM196401:08:251185
10Tim HughesTVOCM195201:08:311185
11Chloe PotterSYOF199801:09:221179
12Neil AlbertNGOCM197101:10:491170
13Duncan InnesSWOCM196201:10:571169
14Peter WarlandTAYM196501:11:371165
15Alan HoneyBOKM196001:11:441164
16James BuckSARUMM196901:12:351159
17Kitty RobinsonSBOCF198901:14:041149
18Simon DenmanNGOCM196501:15:091142
19Paul FoxSNM196201:15:361139
20Kezia JukesSLOWF198901:18:221122
21Christine FarrSWOCF197501:23:171090
22Stuart ParkerBKOM198901:24:321082
23Lucy GilesBAOCF196901:25:221077
24Greg BestNGOCM196201:26:471068
25David PotterBOKM196201:37:50997
26David PalWREM196601:41:03976
27Rebecca JacksonDEVONF197501:51:27910
-Stephen BealNWOM198301:22:25
-John MarshSOM196701:24:35
Showing results 1 - 29 of 29