British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Warwickshire Orienteering Weekend Rugby Urban (UKOL) (UKUL) (UK Elite League) (WMUL), 25/03/2017

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Point calculations
Not enough ranked runners; calculation not possible
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Jim BaileyBOKM200300:19:02
2Oliver TongeBOKM200300:19:35
3Joe HuddWCOCM200300:20:25
4Charlie RennieWCOCM200300:20:49
5James LowthianNOCM200100:24:09
6Ben HardyLEIM200400:24:29
7Adam HarrisDEEM200300:24:37
8Tim DalheimerIK VikM200100:24:40
9Jacob OxtobyODM200300:26:17
10Ben SquireNOCM200400:26:45
11Peter MarkhamODM200400:26:49
12Aimee DarleySNF200300:28:06
13Nathan ChappleODM200300:28:20
14Carys ThomasEUOCF200300:28:24
15Nicolas BarrettSNM200300:28:58
16Luke CherryODM200400:29:09
17John CherryM200100:29:20
18Pippa SmartODF200300:30:10
19Holly CraigF200200:31:05
20Ellie Mills-hicksGOF200500:31:23
21Christian RobertsODM200300:32:37
22Sarah DarleySNF200500:32:52
23Jonty GoodwinWCOCM200300:32:55
24Fiona EadesINTF200400:33:52
25Laura BarrettDEVONF200500:34:19
26Hannah MatthewsODF200100:36:03
27Tina Mills-HicksGOF200500:36:47
28Alexander EvansPOTOCM200400:37:19
29Ira ThompsonBOKM200300:38:50
30David KnottODM200400:38:56
31Daniel HuggardODM200300:47:43
-Joe SunleyEUOCM200300:20:15
-Caitlin IrvingWCOCF200300:24:20
-Phoebe KingRNOCF200400:32:30
Showing results 1 - 34 of 34