British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Scottish Championships - Individual, 20/05/2017

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
16 (length: 3.225km, climb: 50m, 13 controls)

Other courses: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 14 | 15 | 17 | 18

Point calculations
No ranked runners; calculation not possible
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Isobel HowardEUOCF200500:27:20
2Rebecca O'DonovanLOCF200400:32:07
3James HammondEUOCM200600:32:57
4Angus WrightELOM200500:33:37
5Issy SunleyWCOCF200500:35:58
6Jordan MuirSTAGM200300:36:34
7Faith Kenyon MORF200500:37:11
8David IvoryM200600:37:33
9Iris MacMillanINTF200500:39:14
10Angus LairdM200600:40:00
11Eva WisemanMORF200500:40:52
12Stuart & Angela MarsdenINDM197800:41:30
13Maja RobertsonESOCF200600:41:59
14Caitlin RobertsonW199600:42:49
15Thomas RossINTM200500:44:02
16Megan WrightELOF197300:45:22
17Joel AtkinsonELOM200600:46:29
18Charlotte ReynoldsBASOCF200500:47:44
19Samuel BartlettINTM200500:48:10
20Lucy HensmanFVOF200500:48:47
21Alexandra CrawshawSYOF200500:50:09
22Emily TurnerLOCF200400:51:16
23Jacqui ChapmanMAROCF197100:52:25
24Cat ChapmanMAROCF200500:53:42
25Megan PekkarinenKFOF200600:53:50
26Seth ThomasRRM200500:54:19
27Cormac ThomasRRM200800:54:26
28Angus ThomSOLWAYM200400:55:18
29Kirsten RobertsonCLYDEF200400:55:30
30Freya Ruth ChristianLOCF200500:58:14
31Sarah JohnstonLOCF200400:58:21
32Ewan McCartneyCLYDEM200600:59:32
33Susan HensmanFVOF197401:00:04
34Adelaide DodsonLOCF200401:00:23
35Joseph LawlorESOCM200501:01:50
36Ella Grace WoodLOCF200501:03:07
37Benji EdmondsonELOM200501:05:37
38Jess EvansLOCF200501:09:56
39Jacob WilesLOCM200501:10:52
40Joshua BritainMORM200401:19:32
41Jamie LawlorESOCM200301:31:24
42Jane McQuillenSOLWAYF194301:33:42
-Verity CooperLOCF200501:11:16
-Owen John BaxendaleLOCM200301:12:33
Showing results 1 - 44 of 44