British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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CLOK Local Event , 08/02/2015

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Blue (length: 5.1km, climb: 215m, 19 controls)

Other courses: Brown | Green | Light Green | Orange | Yellow | White

Point calculations
1,066.96 + (88.57 x (5,611.12 - T)) / 1,186.47
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Alexander LinesHHM199501:00:171216
2Fran BrownUDOCW199501:08:40
3Christopher WrightCLOKM195801:12:521159
4David AspinCLOKM196901:16:021145
5Paul LeonardCLOKM196501:16:221144
6David AllisonSTAGM196201:16:411142
7Scott WatsonNNM196101:18:131135
8Graham CapperSROCM195801:18:321134
9Katherine HampshireNNF196901:19:251130
10Michael BickleWAOCM194801:20:481124
11Diane MayesCLOKF197201:21:171122
12Chris PooleCLOKM197001:22:431115
13Jeff HarrisEBORM195501:25:301103
14Mike GardnerDVOM195801:25:351103
15Kerria LinesHHF199401:26:171099
16Chris BradfordNATOM194901:26:181099
17Elizabeth LeasonUDOCW199501:29:011087
18Stephen PowellCLOKM196701:32:231072
19jane malleyNATOF196101:34:301063
20Vicky TuckerCLOKF197401:34:521061
21Martyn DeanCLOKM195901:38:231045
22Allen BarnesCLAROM194201:41:521030
23Sophie MiocevichCLOKF199601:45:491012
24Penny BickleEBORF198001:46:501007
25Carolyn RigbyCLOKF196601:52:56980
26Bref O'RourkeCLOKM195101:56:54962
27john SmithINDM195501:57:59
28Richard OllerenshawEBORM198002:01:49940
29Craig AtkinsonCLOKM198802:17:37869
30Joe DobbsCLOKM194102:18:58863
-Rob BaileyCLOKM195901:09:16
Showing results 1 - 31 of 31