British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Caddihoe Day 2 (UKOL) and South West Long Distance Championships, 03/09/2017

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
UKOL 2 (M45,M50,W21) (length: 8.8km, climb: 240m, 27 controls)

Other courses: UKOL 1 (M18,M20,M21,M35,M40) | UKOL 3 (M16,M55,M60,W35,W40) | UKOL 4 (M65,M70,W16,W45,W50,W55) | UKOL 5 (M75,M80,W60,W65) | UKOL 6 (W70,W75,W80) | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Point calculations
1,160.85 + (88.85 x (7,017.63 - T)) / 1,839.93
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Alistair LandelsODM196801:11:241293
2Peter WardNGOCM197001:16:121279
3Megan MitchellSBOCF199601:16:441277
4Clive HallettBOKM196301:25:421251
5Christine CurrieSOCF197701:31:501234
6Matthew AtkinsDEVONM197001:32:031233
7Ifor PowellBOKM196801:32:221232
8Anne EdwardsLOCF198901:34:171227
9Peter HuzanSLOWM196401:36:041221
10Simon ErringtonHHM196301:37:131218
11Jon BrookeWSXM196601:38:291214
12Richard SansburyQOM196901:44:001198
13Brendan HealySBOCM197201:46:481190
14Jason FalconerWSXM197101:47:281188
15Scott BaileyBOKM197201:51:281177
16Philip HarveyWIMM197201:51:481176
17Jeff PakesQOM197201:52:271174
18Annabel PickeringWIMF198701:53:251171
19Andrew ReynoldsDEVONM196601:55:571164
20Mark LockettDEVONM197201:56:121163
21Joanne ShawWIMF198801:56:551161
22Stephen McKinleySNM196401:58:361156
23Gordon ParkerSLOWM196302:01:071149
24Philip JenkinsSBOCM196602:04:491138
25John OakesM197202:07:28
26Andy RimesQOM196302:11:231119
27Ben CazzolatoM197202:13:43
29Stefan PeykovSLOWM196502:17:111102
30Simon JamesTAYM196602:45:021022
31Nikolay KolevDFOKM196502:46:201018
32Ian HyltonTVOCM196902:50:181006
33Sean WolstenholmeDEVONM196303:09:49950
34Fiona TamSLOWF198903:13:05940
-Zlatko PeevSLOWM197001:40:52
-Timothy GentDEVONM196802:19:03
Showing results 1 - 36 of 36