British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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East Midlands League (NOC), 03/04/2016

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Brown (length: 10.2km, climb: 125m, 22 controls)

Other courses: White | Yellow | Orange | Light Green | Short Green | Green | Blue
Point calculations
1,200.77 + (75.88 x (5,769.21 - T)) / 1,128.74
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Harrison McCartneyLOKM199801:04:091330
2Anthony SquireNOCM197701:05:081326
3Nathan LawsonODM199701:16:191281
4Liam CornerMDOCM197001:21:321260
5Dai BedwellDVOM196701:21:391259
6Robert SmithLOCM196301:22:151257
7Robert HoldwayPOTOCM198301:22:511254
8Karl MarshallSYOM196701:26:051241
9Chris McCartneyHOCM196901:27:011238
10Francesco LariDVOM196501:27:051237
11Philip Johnston-DavisRAFOM197301:27:281236
12Kevin LomasNOCM195601:33:091213
13John MatherLOGM197001:34:371207
14Rachel SullivanRAFOF197801:37:091197
15Lucy WiegandSYOF196801:38:521190
16Tim WiegandSYOM196701:39:481186
17Matthew GreenNOCM199401:42:271175
18Bob DredgeWCOCM195101:45:261163
19Andrew WardLEIM198801:51:061140
20Hannah CoxLEIF199701:52:411134
21Alan Le MoigneDVOM197501:55:081124
22James LowthianNOCM200102:02:51
23Alun RobertsBAOCM195602:04:201087
24David HarrisonEPOCM197102:11:271058
25Rebecca HumphreysMDOCF199502:12:391054
26Ray HumphreysMDOCM195902:19:591024
-Steve GreenNOCM195601:47:59
Showing results 1 - 27 of 27