British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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NWO Four Colour, 22/10/2016

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Course B (length: 6.6km, climb: 25m, 19 controls)

Other courses: Course A | Course C | Course D | Course E | Course F | Course G

 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Phil MurraySYOM196400:38:57
2Alice LeakeAIREF199100:40:24
3Roger ThetfordTVOCM196200:41:35
4Paul GebbettBOKM196900:42:43
5Howard WallerTVOCM196400:43:11
6David FramptonHHM197000:43:25
7Ben GreenTVOCM197700:43:44
8Peter Peter GilderNWOM197100:44:19
9Tommi GroverBOKM197600:44:31
10Neil AlbertNGOCM197100:44:59
11Judith AusterberryNGOCF197400:45:18
12Adam HampshireBOKM197300:45:38
13Stuart EbbrellBAOCM197400:46:10
14Jeremy TongeBOKM197000:47:37
15Paul FoxSNM196200:48:38
16Craig BlackfordBADOM196800:49:41
17Peter WarlandTAYM196500:50:04
18Stephen McKinleySNM196400:51:02
19Jon DarleyGOM196600:55:56
20Jenny GreenSBOCF199300:56:10
21Mark FoxwellBKOM196400:56:41
22Jon SteedBADOM196301:02:00
23Terence HoskingBKOM196501:02:20
24Ruth GilbertIND000001:04:58
25David PotterBOKM196201:07:45
26Mike ShiresTVOCM197401:08:42
27Hannah PhillipsNWOF198601:16:51
-Allan McCallNGOCM196700:50:35
Showing results 1 - 28 of 28