British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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WOLF - Glen Gynack, Middle Distance, 10/09/2016

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Short Green (length: 2.875km, climb: 105m, 12 controls)

Other courses: Brown | Blue | Green | Light Green | Orange | Yellow | White

Point calculations
913.17 + (132.60 x (3,007.29 - T)) / 680.35
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Peter LawrenceGRAMPM196300:26:531185
2Finlay RaynorINVOCM200400:32:18
3Alastair LessellsESOCM194700:32:231121
4Paul DuleyGRAMPM195400:33:221109
5Carol McNeillLOCF194400:35:561079
6Judith BellESOCF196900:38:401047
7Hanne RobertsonESOCF197000:40:361025
8Julie WatsonECKOF196700:42:211004
9Peter ClinchTAYM196600:43:24992
10Dawn GoddardFVOF196700:46:35955
11Jacquie LairdF197200:46:55951
12David BrookNNM194100:50:46906
13Helen NeildLOCF194700:51:15900
14Janet ClarkESOCF194100:52:42883
15Jan ClenaghanSOLWAYF195000:52:55880
16Catrina ForbesINDW196600:53:10
17Heidi RossAUOCF199900:54:21864
18Lindsey HensmanFVOF194800:55:03856
19Elizabeth CampbellMORF196500:55:40848
20Eleanor PyrahESOCF194400:55:43848
21Frances BritainMORF197000:56:08843
22Elizabeth FurnessMORF195500:57:03832
23Sally RolloSOLWAYF195200:58:04820
24Rachel ScottGRAMPF196500:58:30815
25Beryl SeamanINVOCF195000:59:08808
26Jim ClarkESOCM193600:59:39802
27Steve ScottFVOM196601:03:51753
28Adrienne SowoodINVOCF194401:05:56728
29Kate AndersonGRAMPF196401:06:53717
30Catherine ToddINVOCF196501:08:16701
31John HowellWAROCM193901:11:38662
32Adrian HopeBASOCM192801:12:52647
33Katy LessellsESOCF194801:18:05586
-Lesley GormanBASOCF195800:37:50
Showing results 1 - 34 of 34