British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Beyond the Wall (North East Orienteering League), 01/10/2017

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Green (length: 4.52km, climb: 160m, 20 controls)

Other courses: Brown | Blue | Short Green | Light Green | Orange | Yellow | White

Point calculations
939.58 + (99.01 x (3,968.48 - T)) / 577.38
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Howard LeslieWCOCM196200:43:421170
2Andrew NicollNATOM194100:56:151041
3Jo MitchellNATOF197500:56:301039
4Thomas AtheySLOWM199700:58:171020
5Sue MetcalfeNATOF196800:58:371017
6Tim WestmorelandESOCM195700:58:461015
7Patricia DaviesBLF195500:59:141011
8Kim LeslieWCOCF196300:59:151010
9Alexandra HareNATOF200100:59:171010
10Joanne FieldNATOF197401:02:03982
11Mary RackNATOF195901:02:47974
12Gerry GarveyBLM196601:03:21968
13Lindsey KnoxRRF195901:03:44964
14Isla MathiesonCLOKF196501:05:56942
15Tim FieldLOCM196401:06:09939
16Ray BarnesNOCM195301:06:14939
17Dick WhitworthBLM193901:06:22937
18Mike CumpsteyBLM194601:07:15928
19Joan CumpsteyBLF194801:11:01889
20Steve BeverleySARUMM195201:12:30874
21Bill GriffithsBOFM195101:13:28864
22Thomas oreillyNATOM197701:13:43862
23Karen BlackburnBLF194601:13:53860
24Barry HarrisonCLOKM193901:16:01838
25Judith PurvesRRF197101:17:31823
26Katherine BrownNATOF197201:19:36801
27Fred MillerNATOM195101:24:25752
28Martin AdamsonCLOKM194201:29:04704
Showing results 1 - 28 of 28