British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Race the Castles in Yorkshire - White Rose, 24/08/2019

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Very Short Green (length: 2.2km, climb: 60m, 13 controls)

Other courses: Black | Brown | Blue | Green | Short Green | Light Green | Long Orange | Orange | Yellow | White
Point calculations
800.72 + (79.59 x (3,468.88 - T)) / 615.27
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Sheila CareyODF194600:35:34973
2John GreenCLOKM197200:38:40949
3Jackie BarnesCLAROF194600:40:37934
4Gill RossEPOCF194800:43:47910
5Christine RobertsEBORF194900:44:47902
6Alison SlomanHOCF193600:45:02900
7Judith GuillaumeSYOF195300:47:40879
8Hilary SimpsonODF193900:50:27858
9Barbara DawsonGONF196400:51:10
10Liz DrewCLAROF194900:52:42840
11Hazel BickleWAOCF195100:53:07837
12Jeannie CrossALTAIRF195900:54:50
13Pauline WardDVOF194400:57:15805
14John BowmanODM194200:57:29803
15Joan SelbyCLOKF194200:57:57800
16Sue BicknellODF194400:58:13
17David WalkerMDOCM194100:58:51793
18Judith GoodairEPOCF194100:59:36787
19Viv HodsonHHF196401:04:02752
20Jenny CollyerSOSF194501:05:31741
21Charlotte CheethamRAFOF196101:05:58737
22Jean LochheadSELOCF194601:06:07736
23Jen GaleDVOF194601:09:44708
24Philip ThompsonEPOCM193401:10:25703
25Catherine OdellEBORF193901:11:39693
26Susan RobertsHOCF194901:22:08612
27Sheila SprotSYOF195101:24:41592
28Barbara FordHOCF195501:34:42514
29Margaret ParkerAIREF194601:41:53459
30Patrick DaveyMAROCM194001:42:58450
-C DrewEBORM194700:37:12
-Jeff HaycockWREM194200:52:42
-Juliet MorganEPOCF194600:59:47
-Julia PaulNORF195401:02:54
Showing results 1 - 34 of 34