British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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GRAMP - Scolty, 05/11/2017

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Light Green (length: 3.4km, climb: 80m, 12 controls)

Other courses: Blue | Brown | Green | Orange | White | Yellow

 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Adam BarrieEUOCM200500:40:21
2Charlotte ReynoldsBASOCF200500:43:06
3Gemma CollinsMAROCF200400:44:54
4Cat ChapmanMAROCF200500:45:44
5Michael BottNo clubM000000:48:00
6Ros EvansNo clubM000000:54:08
7Sean GlendinningMAROCM200300:54:18
8Oonagh GrassieGRAMPF195500:55:05
9Jeremy HuthwaiteGRAMPM196800:56:02
10Eddy ComanGRAMPM196600:56:33
11Eilidh GarrettF200300:58:25
12Eliza BarrieF200401:00:56
13Caroline WattNo clubM000001:01:22
14Fiona McDonaldNo clubM000001:01:29
15Family FarquharsonGRAMPF000001:06:08
16Elaine StewartNo clubM000001:10:23
17Genevieve JonesMAROCF195001:15:47
18Stuart GarrettMAROCM195901:17:29
19Scott NeweyMAROCM196901:25:14
20Lynn SmithGRAMPF196901:27:13
21Patrick LangGRAMPM200401:27:52
22Jacqui ChapmanMAROCF197101:28:50
23Sheena FarquharMAROCF194602:39:41
-Alec ErskineNo clubF000001:21:23
Showing results 1 - 24 of 24