British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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SYO YHOA Championships and YHOA Superleague, 13/10/2019

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Course 4 (length: 6.5km, climb: 160m, 24 controls)

Other courses: Course 1 | Course 2 | Course 3 | Course 5 | Course 6 | Course 7 | Course 8 | Course 9 | Course 10 | Course 11 | Course 12 | Course 13 | Course 14
Point calculations
1,107.05 + (114.27 x (5,309.43 - T)) / 1,284.66
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Geoffrey EllisRAFOM197601:00:571254
2Phil ScarfEPOCM196301:01:131253
3Matthew MorrisSYOM200401:03:55
4Charles NellRAFOM199101:05:151231
5Sam CrawshawSYOM200401:05:46
6Jonathan EmbertonEPOCM196101:06:351224
7Steve WebbAIREM196201:07:391218
8David WilliamsAIREM196201:07:591216
9Mike PedleyEPOCM196001:08:101216
10James CunninghamRAFOM199601:08:461212
11Dean FieldHALOM196301:08:571211
12Richard VaseyLVOM197101:12:111194
13Steve DempseySYOM196301:12:171194
14Olin DaviesSLOWM200401:12:18
15Ben LonsdaleRAFOM198201:12:211193
16Thomas JarvisRAFOM199901:13:521185
17Michael HoodSELOCM195901:16:031173
18Dave ChaffeyDVOM196301:16:261171
19Mike SmithardDEEM194901:18:031163
20David McCannMDOCM196301:20:431149
21Wayne ByrneRAFOM198001:21:261145
22Toby WilliamsLOGM200401:22:35
23Ian MarshallAIREM196201:22:501137
24Peter JonesAIREM195701:24:281129
25Liz DreweCLAROF198101:26:181119
26Dave BrownHALOM195701:26:481116
27Anne MurgatroydAIREF198001:28:181108
28Bruce WoodleyAIREM196401:31:191092
29James BedwellDVOM200201:32:441084
31Paul HudsonNOCM196201:37:581056
32Simon BrookCLOKM195601:40:091045
33Joe OwensSYOM200301:40:181044
34Peter AvisAIREM196301:43:041029
35Peter HarrisHALOM195801:47:001008
36Helen ChanEBORF197501:56:20958
37David SissonsNOCM197302:00:39935
38Paul NormanSYOM196202:03:15922
39Nigel ClemensSLOWM196302:06:29904
40John LebeterCLAROM195502:13:57864
41Peter HayesMDOCM195802:21:15825
-Steve SchofieldNOCM196301:25:32
-Chris VirgoDEVONM195001:39:18
Showing results 1 - 43 of 43