British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Cumbrian Galoppen - High Rigg, 29/04/2018

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Brown (length: 8.33km, climb: 525m, 22 controls)

Other courses: Blue | Green | Short Green | Light Green | Orange | Yellow
Point calculations
1,235.32 + (67.23 x (4,728.20 - T)) / 816.51
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Daniel SpencerWCOCM200000:58:541334
2Duncan BirtwistleMDOCM199200:59:021333
3Harry ScottLOCM200001:01:281321
4Richard WrenWAROCM197401:03:221312
5Steve BirkinshawWCOCM196801:04:171307
6Matthew ElkingtonODM199501:04:361305
7John OckendenDRONGOM199401:07:581289
8Simon HunterWCOCM196801:14:281257
9Jack EyreBLM198901:15:251252
10Ben GoodwinWCOCM200101:15:451250
11Jeff Powell DaviesBLM198001:15:541250
12Ben BreezeWCOCM200001:15:551250
13John EmbreySROCM195801:16:391246
14Mark SeddonSELOCM196201:17:291242
15Sam YatesLOCM199901:17:571240
16Mike HarrisonWCOCM197001:18:441236
17Danny LusardiSROCM200101:18:441236
18Ian CumpsteyJOKM197701:19:151233
19Jim TruemanMDOCM196401:21:411221
20Francis ShillitoeNATOM197401:22:441216
21Steven BreezeWCOCM197101:26:581195
22Derek FryerLOCM195401:39:231134
23Andy RobinsonLOCM195401:39:281133
24Stuart GrahamSOLWAYM196801:41:191124
25Isabel BerryBLF198101:44:001111
26Stuart ParkerWAROCM196401:44:051110
-Martin BagnessWAROCM196000:33:12
Showing results 1 - 27 of 27