British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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London GLOSS Event, 01/07/2018

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
GLOSS+Extn (length: 5.4km, climb: 215m, 23 controls)

Other courses: Yellow | GLOSS
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Tony BurtonMVM196400:51:07
2Simon ErringtonHHM196300:51:28
3Michael MuggeridgeHAVOCM196100:52:03
4Zlatko PeevSLOWM197000:53:25
5Peter HuzanSLOWM196400:55:32
6Steve JarvisSOM196300:57:59
7Ian DitchfieldMVM195600:58:28
8Paul BeckettHAVOCM196100:58:33
9Daniel HodsonHHM199400:58:48
10Stefan PeykovSLOWM196500:59:22
11Anthony FlickLOKM197600:59:40
12Ian RobertsMVM196601:00:49
13Nikolay KolevDFOKM196501:02:01
14Martin SimonovskyM198501:03:44
15Guy LidburyHAVOCM196901:05:05
16Tom EdelstenGOM194301:06:43
17Daniel FiggHHM199801:08:43
18Gil SerafimORIMARAOM199701:09:06
19Sue CarterSLOWF196701:09:37
20Helen ErringtonHHF196101:12:00
21Jill BlountSOF196001:13:33
22David HodsonHHM196401:14:50
23John DuffieldHHM194701:15:19
24Sarah BrownSLOWF195201:17:39
25Roger MouldingHHM194601:20:23
26Boryana PeevaF196901:27:23
27Philip CravenDFOKM195401:27:37
28Mike BoltonMVM195001:27:51
29Vinh-Phuong HoangSLOWF199101:28:30
30Tatiana Virissimo de AndradeDFOKF197901:34:16
31Graham SuttonMVM194702:00:54
-Peter MartinMVM196101:31:55
Showing results 1 - 32 of 32