British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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East Midlands League 2019, 10/02/2019

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Brown (length: 9.5km, climb: 155m, 24 controls)

Other courses: White | Yellow | Orange | Light Green | Short Green | Green | Blue
Point calculations
1,210.96 + (74.56 x (5,235.04 - T)) / 1,025.38
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Richard RobinsonNOCM198101:00:291328
2Duncan BirtwistleMDOCM199201:02:151320
3Tim TettSYOM196001:06:041303
4Joe TauntonSYOM198701:10:241284
5Charlie AdamsSYOM196401:10:521282
6Andrew PowellDVOM198201:15:311262
7Richard DeardenNOCM196901:17:331253
8Chris WilliamsonSYOM198701:20:281241
9David NewtonDVOM197801:20:571238
10Simon HodgsonSYOM197401:21:451235
11Philip Johnston-DavisRAFOM197301:24:091224
12David DunnPOTOCM197801:24:551221
13James LowthianNOCM200101:25:211219
14Joshua CooperEBORM199401:26:501213
15Colin SmithSYOM196501:28:351205
16Andrew StuartFVOM198301:28:541204
17David BennettDVOM197501:29:301201
18David PettitDVOM198401:30:051199
19Lucy WiegandSYOF196801:32:451187
20Francesco LariDVOM196501:37:421165
21Andrew RowePOTOCM197601:39:081159
22Alan Le MoigneDVOM197501:39:421157
23Victoria BaileyCLAROF199101:46:081129
24Adrian MoseleyRAFOM196902:07:221036
25Jenn GaskellCLYDEF198802:13:521008
Showing results 1 - 25 of 25