British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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HH GLOSS Event, 07/07/2018

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
GLOSS Extension (length: 2.6km, climb: 10m, 30 controls)

Other courses: Orange | Yellow | White | GLOSS

 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Alexander LinesHHM199500:41:27
2Ian JonesNGOCM196600:47:59
3Anthony FlickLOKM197600:50:43
4David DixonHHM197200:52:31
5Yordan KolevSLOWM198700:53:37
6Sue CarterSLOWF196700:56:35
7Douglas McTurkSOSM198800:56:55
8David WillsINDM199700:57:14
9Tim GageHHM197800:57:59
10David HodsonHHM196401:01:58
11Daniel HodsonHHM199401:08:00
12Ben BardsleyHHM197201:08:13
13Matthew HaughtonSLOWM199301:08:30
14Catherine OsbornMDOCF199001:12:43
15David HealeHHM196701:13:35
16Kevin ParkesHHM195801:14:05
17Zlatko PeevSLOWM197001:15:48
18Samual RoseINDM199701:15:53
19Rachel McTurkSOSF198801:17:56
20Roger MouldingHHM194601:19:56
21Graham BattyHAVOCM195801:24:15
22Tatiana Virissimo de AndradeDFOKF197901:27:19
-Alex WiseSOM198300:51:36
-Miranda WeatherbyDRONGOF199501:07:48
-Vinh-Phuong HoangSLOWF199101:22:20
Showing results 1 - 25 of 25