British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Crathes - Level C, 24/06/2018

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Blue (length: 5.3km, climb: 155m, 16 controls)

Other courses: Brown | Green | Light Green | Orange | White | Yellow

Point calculations
1,143.75 + (73.11 x (3,371.65 - T)) / 690.19
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Nick HaleMAROCM195800:42:101233
2Eilidh CampbellMAROCF200100:44:071221
3Sam GriffinGRAMPM200400:45:00
4Peter LawrenceGRAMPM196300:45:031215
5Kirsty CampbellMAROCF200100:46:171207
6Paul MatherMAROCM197600:46:291205
7Peter CollinsMAROCM200100:48:341192
8Paul DuleyGRAMPM195400:49:321186
9Sam GomersallGRAMPM196100:51:001177
10Lesley GomersallGRAMPF196200:51:291174
11Paul ChapmanMAROCM197100:52:181168
12Andy TivendaleMAROCM194600:52:501165
13Keith RobertsMAROCM195900:58:361128
14Dennis McDonaldGRAMPM196401:02:101106
15Donald BarrieMAROCM196601:02:431102
16Ian McIntyreINTM196301:03:531095
17Nick CollinsMAROCM196701:06:101080
18Laura FarquharsonGRAMPF196701:14:221028
19Alec ErskineM000001:16:40
20Alexander CampbellMAROCM196001:26:09953
21Kevin HeathM000001:42:10
Showing results 1 - 21 of 21