British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Loch of Boath, 25/11/2018

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
blue (length: 6.25km, climb: 150m, 16 controls)

Other courses: brown | green | short green | light green | orange | yellow
Point calculations
1,098.33 + (87.98 x (5,096.21 - T)) / 980.49
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Megan KeithINVOCF200200:54:351262
2David WeirMORM196000:56:251252
3Finlay RaynorINVOCM200401:02:28
4Euan NaismithINVOCM197601:09:191182
5Pablo Alvarez-IcazaINVOCM200101:11:191172
6Steven ScottINVOCM197301:12:531163
7Jenny BackwoodINVOCW000001:13:58
8Oscar ShepherdINVOCM200401:16:52
9Mairi WeirDEVONF200101:17:081140
10Colin SimpsonINVOCM196601:18:481131
11Beth AlbonBAOCF199401:19:311128
12Kevin HollidayINVOCM196801:21:131118
13Paul CouttsMORM196801:24:411100
14Alan HallidayMORM195401:27:061087
15Colin MathesonFVOM195401:29:331073
16Jacquie LairdF197201:33:451051
17Iain HopeINVOCM196801:33:581050
18Alison MathesonINVOCF197001:38:091027
19Ian ShreadINVOCM196801:39:211021
20Jim FinlaysonINVOCM196901:39:341020
21Frances BritainMORF197001:56:47927
-Paul FurnessMORM195401:01:01
-Neil HopeM199801:06:30
Showing results 1 - 23 of 23