British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Maulden Woods event, 17/11/2019

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Brown (length: 8km, climb: 95m, 23 controls)

Other courses: Blue | Green | Short Green | Light Green | Orange | Yellow | White
Point calculations
1,164.83 + (68.50 x (4,985.05 - T)) / 865.64
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Dil WetherillWAOCM196401:06:251244
2Alexander LinesHHM199501:07:511237
3David DixonHHM197201:09:391229
4Fiona InghamWAOCF199101:11:191221
5Alex MarkhamWAOCM198601:11:381219
6Conor O'DonovanBOKM199001:12:151216
7Kevin FieldingHHM196801:12:241216
8Daniel HodsonHHM199401:13:591208
9Lorant FarkasWAOCM197401:14:561204
10Aymeric CombelongeM199801:16:08
11Peter HaynesWAOCM195801:18:071188
12Stephen BorrillWAOCM197101:18:591184
13Tom BeskeenWAOCM198401:20:111179
14Jonathan GilbertNORM195901:23:381162
15Neil RosewellNOCM197701:26:191149
16Brian CoweWAOCM197601:26:351148
17Rini HoogkamerNORM195901:27:031146
18Gary FlynnLOCM199001:27:161145
19Clive WilkinsonSUFFOCM196201:30:411129
20Mick SmithHHM194801:38:131093
21Sam HagueWAOCM200201:38:161093
22Emma CrickmoreWSXF199501:41:131079
23Bill GreenM196401:51:44
24Tony HardenHHM196302:10:54938
Showing results 1 - 24 of 24