British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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LOC Middle Series 6, 10/07/2019

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Short (length: 3km, 16 controls)

Other courses: Dark Orange | Long

 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Dylan KennyLOCM200500:34:24
2Emily TurnerLOCF200400:34:45
3Jane Exley WAROCF197400:37:18
4Peter ScottLOCM200500:38:37
5Cate MatthewSROCF200600:39:35
6Jess BaileyLOCF200600:40:04
7Laura BrownFVOF200500:40:37
8David LloydLOCM195100:48:20
9Andrew SmithLOCM194600:48:40
10John NashLOCM195000:51:00
11Chris HeatonLOCM198000:52:23
12Eric PyeINDM196400:52:54
13Jo MatthewSROCF197400:54:16
14Janet NashLOCF195100:57:20
15Carol McNeillLOCF194400:58:33
16Joan CumpsteyBLF194801:06:28
17Dick WhitworthBLM193901:08:00
18Dave WaltonWAROCM195101:10:46
19Brian CareyBLM195901:35:04
20Nicky CareyBLF196401:37:02
-Frank TownleySNM200300:32:37
-Elizabeth HampshireLOCF200400:44:15
-Karen ParkerBLF196300:54:30
-Jane LigemaLOCF196900:57:03
-Anne WilsonAIREF195201:05:26
Showing results 1 - 25 of 25